The best legal templates for your blog.

The best legal templates for your blog

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Last Updated on November 18, 2023 by theosteomum

Legal templates for blogs- why all the fuss?

Implementing legal templates for your blog should literally be right up there at the top of the list when you’re starting out. 


Because, with any luck, your blog will attract thousands of readers each month. And it only takes ONE of them to have an issue with your content, and your whole world can change. 


Legal templates for blogs- why do I use them?


I am an Osteopath by profession. I can talk for hours about how the body works, and all things health-related.


Whilst the ability to share my knowledge and recommendations with an audience far wider than my bricks and mortar business is a part of blogging that I love, it comes with some additional risks.


When I see patients in person in my clinic, I am able to take into account each of their individual circumstances, and tailor any advice I give accordingly. I can explain their potential personal risks and benefits of any given course of action. 


The internet is a great place to share knowledge and learn broadly about a topic. However, the one thing it lacks is personalisation. If you’re not careful, this can land you in hot water legally. This would be not only a major life stress, but it could cost you a fortune. This is why I’ve taken extra precautions when it comes to protecting myself with these legal templates. 


Whilst I possess a lot of knowledge in my own field, I am definitely not a lawyer. I knew these policies were important. BUT, I had literally no idea where to start when I was first creating my blog. 


A quick Google search yielded hundreds of possible free templates that were free to use use. Considering I had no idea what exactly was required of each element, I had zero clues as to which of these would even come close to standing up in court should the need arise. 


Legal templates for blogs- why do you need them?

Whenever you’re providing any sort of information over the internet, there is a potential for people to misinterpret or misuse that information. This is a recipe for disaster if you’re not taking the right precautions and protecting yourself legally. 


Your blog needs these legal templates if you:

  • make any sort of professional recommendations, or
  • collect people’s information when they visit, or
  • give advice about things that may affect people significantly, such as health, finances, legal matters etc. 


Sure, you could arrange to have these prepared by a lawyer in person. However, if you’ve ever had to deal with lawyers before, you’d understand that this could run into the hundreds, if not thousands of dollars. If you’re trying to start your blog off on the right foot but haven’t actually started making any money from it yet, you’re unlikely to want to fork out that sort of cash straight away. 


On the other hand, free legal templates may tick a box, but there’s no way of knowing if the person who created them actually has a legal background, or if they include all of the information necessary to protect you when creating online content. 


The great news is, there is an easy and affordable way to ensure your blog is legally compliant


Where are the legal templates found on my site?


If you have a look at the footer of my site, all three of these policies are very clearly listed. 


Legal pages listed in site footer


These templates are found in the footer of my site, tucked away but easily found by anyone who needs to find them. 



Why did I use these legal templates in my blog?


Getting the legal side of blogging right from the beginning was extremely important to me.


As a young girl, I watched my parents go through a financially devastating legal battle over poorly handled business matters. It was long, expensive, and took a massive toll on their health. I can wholeheartedly say that I would never wish that upon anyone. 


I didn’t want to take any chances.


Many of the blogging sites I’d visited mentioned how they’d used The Self Guru’s Legal Blogging Bundle when setting up their sites. So, I took advantage of the fantastic value offered in her packages and haven’t looked back!


Why use The Self Guru’s Legal Templates?


Amira is a full-time lawyer and blogger. Sooo, she not only knows the legal stuff inside out, she knows how to make it apply to the online world. 


The way that I use my site meant that for now, I only required the Starter Legal Bundle– which sells for $197 USD (around $278 AUD at the time of publishing). Right now there’s an offer for between $40-60 USD off all bundles, bringing the cost down significantly. This is fantastic value, and a very low price to pay for peace of mind!


The Legal Templates Bundle- $40-$60 USD off right now!!!


What’s included in the Self Guru’s Legal Templates Starter Bundle?

  • Privacy Policy Template,
  • Terms and Conditions Template, as well as a
  • Disclosure Statement


There’s also a massive 9 bonus templates to ensure you’re compliant with things such as GDPR and a cookies statement.


The total value is over US$2500, for only US$197!


Legal templates for blogs- how I implemented them:


These templates come as Word Documents. Amira makes it super clear how to customise it to your exact requirements. You’ll learn whether certain details are necessary if you’re located in particular countries, and which extras you should consider if you’re intending on performing certain types of work. 


I had the legal templates customised and installed on my website as clickable footers within about an hour- and I am certainly no Tech Wizard!

How to install the legal templates on a WordPress site:


As a tech novice, thought of installing these legal templates seemed a little scary at first. But I needn’t have worried- it was actually very simple!


Step 1: Set up 3 new “Pages” on your site.


If you’re using WordPress, download the templates, complete the required fields, and then cut and paste them into individual, new “Pages”. Save these pages as “Disclaimer”, “Privacy Policy” and “”Terms and Conditions”. 


Once you’ve done this, you’ll see that these pages appear across your home page menu. This is not ideal and looks a little clunky.


Step 2: Remove the pages from the menu


To get around this, go to the WP Admin Page, click on Appearances –> Menus, and then under “Menu Structure”, click on the arrow next to “Disclaimer”, “Privacy Policy” or “”Terms and Conditions”, and click “remove”. 


How to install legal templates on your WordPress site (a)


Step 3: Set the pages up as a Footer


Finally, in the WP Admin Page, go to Appearance –> Widgets, then select “Footer”.


This may look a little different, depending on your theme.


On the left you’ll have a lift of available widgets. Find the “Pages” and drag it to the “Footer” section on the right. If you leave it like this, you’ll have a list of every page on your site.


Step 4: Exclude the page I.D’s you don’t want to appear in your footer.


To get around the problem of every page on your site showing up in the footer, you’ll need to exclude specific pages.  To do this, find the page I.D. for each page (which you can see as the number in the .url link in the search box of your web browser), and exclude the ones you don’t want to see. 


How to install legal templates on your WordPress site (b)


Step 5: Enjoy the peace of mind that comes from knowing your site is legally protected with these legal template for blogs!




Sit back, relax, and enjoy that secure feeling. 


And the even better news?


Amira also runs a generous affiliate program. Joining the program means you’re not only legally protected, but you can also recoup your investment quickly and easily. 


If you’re ready to bring your blog or other online business up to speed legally, click here to grab your legal templates now. 


Lauren signature






I am an Osteopath, wife and Mum living in Melbourne, Australia. Here to help you and your family live happier, healthier lives.